Haley Percell
Chief Legal Officer and Interim Deputy Executive Director
Haley Percell is a native Oregonian, born in Portland and raised in Wilsonville and Aurora. She attended primary school in the Wilsonville and Canby public school and attended high school at St. Mary’s Academy in Portland, Oregon. Haley obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in biology with a Spanish certificate from the University of Portland. Haley earned her law degree from Willamette University College of Law.
Haley joined OSBA’s legal department in March 2011. Prior to joining OSBA, Haley worked for over five years as an employment attorney at a small private law firm in Salem, Oregon.
Haley has significant experience in employment and school law litigation as well as counseling and advising clients regarding employment and school law matters. At OSBA, Haley supervises a staff of seven attorneys and three support staff. She provides advice and litigation services to member school districts, charter schools, education service districts and community colleges.
Haley is admitted to practice law in all Oregon state and federal courts and is also admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court.
Education and Admissions
Willamette University College of Law, J.D., 2005
University of Portland, B.S., 2002
Oregon State Bar, 2005
United States District Court, District of Oregon, 2005
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, 2008
Professional Distinctions and Affiliations
National School Boards Association Ex-Officio Board Member 2024-25
National Council of School Attorneys
- COSA Steering Committee Chair 2024-25
- COSA Steering Committee Vice-Chair 2023-24
- COSA Board of Directors 2022-2023
- COSA Member 2011 to present
Oregon Council of School Attorneys
National Association of College and University Attorneys
Oregon State Bar Government Law Section Executive Committee Member (2020 to present)
- Secretary-Treasurer 2024
Oregon Women Lawyers
Oregon Association of Defense Counsel
Multnomah Bar Association
Marion County Bar Association
Federal Bar Association
Noteworthy Litigation Outcomes
Houston v. Yoncalla School District No. 32, et al. (700 Fed.Appx. 697, 9th Cir. 2017)
Houston v. Yoncalla School District No. 32, et al. (2016 WL 2660189, Dist. of Or., May 9, 2016)
Holder v. Central Oregon Community College, et al. (2016 WL 1725299, Dist. of Or., April 29, 2016)
Dosier v. Central Oregon Community College, et al. (2015 WL 6121907, Dist. of Or., Oct. 15, 2015)
Houston v. Yoncalla School District No. 32, et al. (2015 WL 413803, Dist. of Or., Jan. 29, 2015)
Leighton v. Three Rivers School District (2015 WL 272894, Dist. of Or., Jan. 20, 2015)
Leighton v. Three Rivers School District (2015 WL 6063638, Dist. of Or., Nov. 12, 2014)
Houston v. Yoncalla School District No. 32, et al. (2014 WL 3514984, Dist. of Or., July 11, 2014)
Rodriguez v. Central School District 13J (2013 WL 6576269, Dist. of Or., Dec. 13, 2013)
Rodriguez v. Central School District 13J (2013 WL 6576278, Dist. of Or., Oct. 4, 2013)
Rodriguez v. Central School District 13J (2013 WL 27851, Dist. of Or., Jan. 1, 2013)
Rodriguez v. Central School District 13J (2012 WL 6756945, Dist. of Or., Nov. 14, 2012)
Solo v. Central Oregon Community College, et al. (2011 WL 6759566, Dist. of Or., Dec. 21, 2011)
Presentations and Trainings
- Executive Session Law for School Board Members and School Staff, Intermountain ESD Regional Training
- Public Meeting Law Update for School Board Members and School Staff, Region 18 ESD
- Executive Session Law for School Board Members and School Staff, Intermountain ESD Regional Training
- Public Meeting Law for Board Members, Superintendents and Administrative Professionals, PACE Webinar
- Legal Topics for Small Schools, OSSA Conference
- Employment Termination, PACE Day
- Free Speech and the Board, NSBA Annual Conference
- Hot Legal Topics – Oregon School Law Conference
- School Law for Board Members, OSBA Annual Conference
- Gender Expansive Students and Staff: Laws and State Guidance, PACE Webinar
- PACE Legal Updates, Intermountain ESD
- Social Media Do’s and Don’ts, Canby School District
- Public Meetings & Ethics, OSBA Summer Board Conference
- School Law for Board Members, OSBA Summer Board Conference
- Laws and Guidance around Gender, Astoria School District
- School Board Member Do’s and Don’ts Best Practices, La Grande School District
- Social Media Do’s and Don’ts, La Grande School District
- School Board Member Legal Responsibilities and PACE Coverage, Grants Pass School District
- Legal Topics for Small Schools, Oregon Small Schools Association Conference
- PACE Update, PACE Agents Day
- Social Media Do’s & Don’ts, Oregon Athletic Directors Association Conference
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Oregon Athletic Directors Association Conference
- Contracting with Third Parties, PACE Day
- Parental Rights, NSBA COSA School Law Conference
- Legal Hot Topics, OSPA Winter Retreat
- Every Student Belongs and Gender Identity in School Programs, Oregon City Equity Conference
- How Not to Get Fired, COSA School Law Conference
- Student Suicide, COSA School Law Conference
- Hot Topics Panel, COSA School Law Conference
- Superintendent Evaluation, OSBA Annual Convention
- Navigating the Complaint and Investigation Process, OSPA Fall Retreat
- Navigating the Complaint Process, Southwestern Oregon Community College
- So Now You’re a Supervisor, Southwestern Oregon Community College
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Southwestern Oregon Community College
- Parental Rights, PACE Webinar
- PACE Legal Update for Coaches, Corvallis School District
- Employment & The Legal Stuff: Incentive Checklist, Harassment, Discrimination, and Other Workplace Investigations, OASBO Summer Conference
- PACE Hot Topics, OSBA Summer Board Conferences
- Superintendent Evaluations and Performance Management, OSBA Summer Board Conferences
- School Law for Board Members, OSBA Summer Board Conferences
- Adverse Employment Separations, Community College Virtual Training Day
- Employee Speech—Curriculum Choices, Campaigning and Political Signs in Classrooms, OSPA Spring Conference
- Protected Leave Update: OFLA, FMLA, ADA Accommodation Leave, Oregon Paid Leave & More!, OCCA Annual Conference
- Contracting with Third Parties, PACE Day
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for Athletic Directors, OADA Conference
- Social Media Do’s and Don’ts, OADA Conference
- The Parent’s Role in Directing the Education of Their Children in K-12 Public Schools, COSA School Law Conference
- Parental Rights Update, OSPA Winter Retreat
- The History and Legal Landscape of Race Discrimination in K-12 Public Schools, PACE Webinar
- Every Student Belongs and Gender Identity in School Programs, Oregon City School District Equity Conference
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: The School Administrator’s Role and Legal Responsibilities, COSA Winter Conference
- The K-12 School Employment Contract Renewal/Non-Renewal Process, PACE Webinar
- Student off-campus Speech and School Districts in an age of Social Media, COSA School Law Conference
- Hot Topics Panel, COSA School Law Conference
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Lincoln County School District Administrators, Lincoln County School District
- Holidays—Religious Freedom v. Endorsement of Religion, PACE Webinar
- The School’s Legal Obligation to Prevent and Address Gender Identity Discrimination in Oregon’s Public Schools, OSPA Virtual Fall Summit Conference
- Protected leave update—OFLA, FMLA, ADA accommodation leave, Oregon paid sick time, Oregon paid family leave, workers’ compensation leave, and more!, OSPA Virtual Fall Summit Conference
- Prohibition of “Symbols of Hate” in Public Schools: Free Speech vs. Harassment, Discrimination, and Bullying, NSBA COSA Fall School Law Conference
- Public Meetings Law & Public Records Law, Eugene School District
- PACE Update, OSPA Regional Meeting
- The School’s Role in Addressing Student Death by Suicide: Awareness, Prevention and Postvention, PACE Webinar
- Protected leave update—OFLA, FMLA, ADA accommodation leave, Oregon paid leave and more!, OASBO 2021 Summer Conference
- Everything you Would Want to Know About Job Descriptions and More!, OASBO 2021 Summer Conference
- The Human Resource Professional’s Role in Ensuring Equity, Diversity and Non-Discrimination in Oregon’s Public Schools, OSPA Summer Retreat
- The Board’s Legal Obligation to Ensure Equity and Nondiscrimination in Public Schools, Summer Board Conferences
- Contracting with Outside Entities/Third Parties—COVID-19, PACE Webinar
- The Human Resource Professional’s Role in Ensuring Equity, Diversity and Non-Discrimination in Oregon’s Public Schools, OSPA Spring Conference
- Reasonable Accommodations in the Time of COVID-19, NSBA COSA Spring School Law Conference
- Contracting with Outside Entities/Third Parties: COVID-19 Concerns Addressed, PACE DAY
- Reasonable Accommodations in the Time of COVID-19, NSBA Annual Conference
- School Law for Board Members, OSBA Webinar
- Handling Allegations of Inappropriate Behavior Between Staff and Students, OSPA Winter Retreat
- Complaint Investigations, PACE Webinar
- Legal Issues Impacting Oregon Small Schools, COSA School Law Conference
- School Law Hot Topics Panel, COSA School Law Conference
- SB 155 ODE Sexual Conduct Reporting and Investigation Update, COSA School Law Conference
- Navigating the Bermuda Triangle of Employee Leave Entitlements: The Intersection of FMLA/OFLA, the ADA, and Workers’ Compensation, OASBO Conference
- Homeward Bound: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 on Educating Students at Home, NSBA COSA Fall Conference
- Political Speech in Schools, PACE Webinar
- Legal and Policy Update on Sexual Harassment, Sexual Conduct and Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse, OSBA Virtual Summer Board
- School Law for Board Members, OSBA Virtual Summer Board
- Contracts During the Covid-19 School Closures and Beyond, PACE Webinar
- Employee Leave During COVID-19 School Closures, PACE Webinar
- Layoff’s and Furloughs: Legal Considerations of Workforce Restructuring, PACE Webinar
- Distance Learning: Student Privacy and safety During the Covid-19 School Closures, PACE Webinar
- Bullying and Sexual Harassment, North Clackamas School District
- Bullying and Harassment, PACE Webinar
- Employment Hiring Practices, PACE Webinar
- Harassment and Discrimination Prevention, Southwestern Oregon Community College
- The Board’s Role in Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse, OSBA Summer Board Conference
- The Board’s Role in Personnel Matters, Oregon School Boards Association Summer Board Conference
- Sexual Conduct and Sexual Harassment Update, Oregon School Personnel Association
- The Board’s Role in Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse, OSBA Annual Convention
- How to Run a Board Hearing, OSBA Annual Convention
- Title IX Compliance, OSBA Annual Convention
- Legal Issues for Oregon Small Schools, COSA/OSBA/UO School Law Conference
- Top 10 Legal Issues Panel, COSA/OSBA/UO School Law Conference
- Suicide Policy and Prevention: SB 52 (and other suicide bills), COSA/OSBA/UO School Law Conference
- Mandatory Reporter Training for Board Members, OSBA Webinar
- CBD & Medical Marijuana: Recent Changes — and What Remains the Same, NSBA Webinar with NSBA