Published: April 28, 2023

OSBA Resources

OSBA Election Results Analyzer
Detailed historical analysis of election results, including recent bond/local option election results. Must have an OSBA member login

Oregon School Bond Manual (PDF)
The school bond manual contains all the details you need to understand the long- and short-term borrowing options for school districts, education service districts and community colleges.

Oregon School Construction Contract Manual (PDF)
This construction contract manual helps school districts, education service districts, charter schools and community colleges understand the procurement process and contract negotiations information for design professional and construction services.

Election Materials from the Oregon Secretary of State

Election-related publications are available free on the Oregon Secretary of State’s website:

Campaign Finance Manual (PDF)
The Campaign Finance Manual includes information about Oregon campaign finance law. It is intended to provide committees and persons required to file independent expenditures with information about the requirements of campaign finance reporting.

County, City and District Initiative and Referendum Manual (PDF)
This manual is intended to provide an overview of the county, city and district initiative and referendum processes. 

Restrictions on Political Campaigning by Public Employees – ORS 260.432 (PDF)
This manual details allowable and restricted activities, consistent with ORS 260.432 and advice from the Attorney General.