Legal Assistance Trust (LAT)
Legal Assistance Trust
OSBA’s Legal Assistance Trust was established to help districts with the expense of litigation, primarily at the appellate level, which has a statewide impact. It is not intended to assist districts with routine legal services. Dues are based on the participating district’s average daily membership.
Since it began in 1991, the Trust has provided over $1.2 million in legal costs. A case accepted by the Trust typically receives 50 percent reimbursement for legal fees. In some cases, the Trust allocates more when the outcome could have a major impact on other boards, such as litigating the 2003 changes to PERS and the Forest Grove special education case that was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Membership information is sent annually to board chairs, superintendents/presidents, and business officials.


Annual dues are based on the Oregon Department of Education’s average daily membership figures and adjusted to maintain an adequate trust balance.
Average Daily Membership / Annual Dues
Up to 500 / $240
501 to 1,000 / $400
1,001 to 5,000 / $1,600
5,001 to 10,000 / $3,200
The Legal Assistance Trust voted to reduce the cost of dues by 20 percent in 2017 and has kept that reduction in place to date.
2024-25 Board of Trustees
Chris Cronin
Chris Cronin
OSBA President
Grant ESD
Term expires 12/31/25
Elizabeth Polay
Elizabeth Polay
Vice Chair
Oregon COSA Chair
Emielle Nischik
Emielle Nischik
OSBA Executive Director
Kris Howatt
Kris Howatt
Term expires: 12/31/2027
Kraig Albright
Kraig Albright
Dayton School District
Term expires: 12/31/26
Alonso Oliveros
Alonso Oliveros
Willamette ESD
Term expires: 12/31/26
Drae Charles
Drae Charles
Bethel School District
Term expires 12/31/27
Staff Attorney: Haley Percell
Board of Trustees
The Legal Assistance Trust Board of Trustees determines which cases to support and how much financial support will be allocated using the following criteria:
The district requests assistance through a board-passed resolution;
The legal action does not involve litigation between member districts;
The issue has impact or potential impact on education statewide; and
Trustees’ determination of the quality of the fact situation, the district’s financial resources, and the cost of the case.
A Board of Trustees, composed of the OSBA president, the OSBA executive director, the Council of School Attorneys president, and four other school board members appointed by the President with approval of the Board of the Oregon School Boards Association for three year terms, administers the Trust.


For more information about how to apply for trust funds
contact [email protected] or call 503-588-2800