Published: May 7, 2023

School board service involves a substantial time commitment – and remember, there’s no salary.

Boards typically meet one or two evenings a month. Before the monthly meetings, you’ll need to study the materials provided (board packets) so you can make informed decisions.

A substantial time commitment is required of board members beyond meeting and meeting-preparation time. There are committee meetings, work sessions and appearances on behalf of the district. During collective bargaining with employee unions, you may find yourself immersed in a very time-consuming process.

OSBA offers training, answers, advice and many other resources year-round that save time and keep you up to date on school issues. Our workshops and conventions provide opportunities to meet peers from throughout the state and experts from around the country – more people on whom you can rely for help with board-related issues.

We encourage you to become actively involved with OSBA if you are elected to a school, ESD or community college board.

Please contact the OSBA office with any questions you might have about school board service. We encourage you to become an active OSBA member.