Boards and their committees are required to take minutes at all meetings. All minutes except those of an executive session should be available to the public within a reasonable time after the meeting. Minutes do not have to be a detailed discussion of who said what, but must give a true representation of all matters discussed at the meeting and the views of the participants. Minutes should include the following information: All members of the board who were present; All motions, proposals, resolutions, orders and measures proposed and their disposition; The results of all votes and the vote of each member by name; The substance of any discussion on any matter; Any other information required by law (Board Policy BDDG) ORS 192.650. Sample minutes and additional information are available from the Oregon Attorney General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual 2019.
Board Meeting Minutes
Published: May 15, 2023
Reports detail lessons from 2024 summer learning investment
Summer learning works, according to two Oregon Department of Education reports issued Monday. House Bill 4082 (2024) allotted $30 million for summer learning grants and directed ODE to study the…
Oregon graduation rate improves half percentage point to 81.8%
Oregon graduation rates are clawing their way back to pre-pandemic levels, according to data for the class of 2024 released Thursday. Disappointing National Assessment of Educational Progress data released this…
Report proposes $100 million summer learning investment with more to come
Oregon should be spending $100 million per year by 2030 on summer and after-school learning, an Oregon Department of Education report says. Funding additional learning time, especially in summers and…