Published: March 30, 2023

What is an administrative regulation?

Administrative regulations (AR) are detailed directions governing the operation of the school system and put policy into practice by describing how, where, when and by whom things are to be done.

What an AR is

  • Provides the details for carrying out policy and enforcing it
  • Sets forth specific requirements
  • May list do’s and don’ts
  • May include step-by-step procedures
  • May assign specific responsibility

What an AR is not

  • A handbook (e.g., employee, student, parent, athletic, etc.)
  • A plan (e.g., health and safety, technology, school improvement, emergency management, etc.)
  • Job descriptions
  • Forms (with some exceptions)

Why is an AR important?


  • Assigns detail needed to implement policy to staff, allowing the board to focus on broad issues
  • Provides administration the flexibility to make timely changes to effectively implement policy
  • Provides detailed requirements, procedures and prohibitions under which the school system will be operated
  • May satisfy a state or federal requirement or serve as a compliance indicator
  • Informs staff, students and the community

The administration is authorized to formulate such ARs appropriate for the implementation of policies adopted by the board and necessary for the consistent operation of the school system.