About OSBA
Our Mission, Goals, and More
Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals
Oregon School Boards Association’s Vision, Mission, Values were adopted June 19, 2021, and revised on March 3, 2025.
Call for Equity
Public school boards have unique insights on how to address education equity and systems change in their districts. OSBA is committed to supporting boards in their just and fair distribution of resources based on each student’s needs. OSBA’s Call for Equity was adopted by the Board in December 2021.
We’re Here for You!
This brochure highlights how members can stay updated, get involved, and access OSBA services and resources.
Membership Benefits Guide
This guide introduces you to services members receive at no charge as well as services we provide at the lowest possible expense.
2023 OSBA Membership Survey
Every four years, OSBA conducts a membership survey to provide a benchmark of membership opinion about OSBA and to provide information to assist the OSBA with planning and communications.
2020 OSBA Membership Survey
Every four years, OSBA conducts a membership survey to provide a benchmark of membership opinion about OSBA and to provide information to assist the OSBA with planning and communications.
2017 OSBA Membership Survey
Every four years, OSBA conducts a membership survey to provide a benchmark of membership opinion about OSBA and to provide information to assist the OSBA with planning and communications.
Our History
Founded in 1946, OSBA is governed by a member-elected board and serves K-12 public school boards, education service district boards, community college boards, and the State Board of Education.
Through legislative advocacy at state and federal levels, board leadership training, employee management assistance, policy, communications, and legal and financial services, OSBA helps locally elected volunteers fulfill their complex public education roles.
More About OSBA
OSBA Staff
Meet the OSBA staff and find information regarding contact information, biographies, and photos.
Legislative Policy Committee
A committee, elected by the membership, that develops the OSBA’s legislative policies and priorities.
Oregon School Board Members of Color Caucus
To promote quality education for all students, focusing on the needs of students of color.
Oregon LGBTQIA2S+ School Board Members Advisory Committee
To promote quality education for all students, focusing on the needs of students who identify as LGBTQIA2S+.
Oregon Rural School Boards Advisory Committee
Information about the Oregon Rural School Boards Advisory Committee
Election Center
Election procedures and timelines, sample motions and resolutions, answers to FAQs, and governance resolutions.
Governance Documents
OSBA’s Bylaws, OSBA’s Policies, and the Map of Regions is located here.
Financial Information
Recent historical information on OSBA’s programs, services, and finances.
Oregon School Board Member of the Year
Information about the School Board Member of the Year Program