Published: December 15, 2022

Most gatherings of the board of education are defined as public meetings under the law, and bringing together members of the board to discuss district business is subject to the Public Meetings Law (ORS 192.610-192.990). It is a major responsibility of the board chair to know the rules and ensure that the board follows them.

A board meeting occurs when a quorum is present to gather information or decide or deliberate on any public matter. The law specifies the following:

  • All meetings of public governing bodies shall be conducted in public unless specifically exempted.
  • No quorum of a governing body may meet in private to decide, deliberate on, or gather information on which to deliberate, toward a decision on any matters except those exempted by law. (Board Policy BD/BDA)

A “quorum” means one of the following (depending on the number of board members on the board):

  • Three members of a five-member board;
  • Four members of a seven-member board; or
  • Five members of a nine-member board.

Resources to help explain Oregon’s public records and meetings law including running effective meetings.

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Regular, special or emergency meetings

All regular, special and emergency meetings of the Board are generally open to the public, except as provided by law. “Meeting” means the convening of a quorum of the Board as the governing body to make a decision or to deliberate toward a decision on any matter.

  • Board meeting notice One regular board meeting should be held monthly at the district’s administrative headquarters or at the nearest practical location, with consideration given to persons with disabilities.
  • Special board meetings Special meetings may be convened by the chair, upon request of three board members, or by common consent of all or a majority of the board members.


  • The board meeting agenda The agenda, prepared by the board chair and the superintendent, is the most important document at any board meeting.
  • Public comment at board meetings The laws governing boards of education require that their work be done where the public can observe their actions.

Board meeting procedures

The rules of parliamentary procedure in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised govern board meetings, except as otherwise provided by state law or board policy. (Policy BDD)

  • Robert’s Rules simplified The chair’s guide to running an effective meeting is Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Sample opening comments to audience This opening comment can be used by the board president at the beginning of every open forum or public comment portion to ensure consistency in approach at every meeting.
  • Public comment at board meetings The laws governing boards of education require that their work be done where the public can observe their actions.
  • Voting requirements A majority of the members of the board (a quorum) must be present to legally conduct business.

Board resolutions

  • Board resolutions A board resolution is created to show appreciation or to record the board’s position about a particular issue.

Executive session

The board may meet in executive session to discuss subjects allowed by statute but may not take final action, except for specific instances pertaining to student matters. Executive sessions may be held during regular, special or emergency meetings for any reason permitted by law.

Content discussed in executive sessions is confidential. Members of the media may attend executive sessions, except in specific instances. (Board policy BDC)

Meeting minutes

Organizational Meeting