Published: May 8, 2023

Merged school funding

House Bill 3135

What it does: Small and remote schools and districts, under certain circumstances, receive additional small school funding. Individual high schools that qualified for small school funding prior to a district merger are allowed under certain circumstances to retain the small school funding they had prior to the merger. HB 3135 would allow districts to retain this extra funding even if merging with another district would no longer qualify them.

What’s next: The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Thursday, May 11.

Broadband access

House Bill 3201 A

What it does: To address the digital divide between rural and urban areas, as well as in historically underserved and unserved areas in Oregon, the Legislature established the Oregon Broadband Fund in 2020. In 2021, Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which included funding that addressed broadband access targeting unserved, underserved and Tribal communities and improving digital equity in historically marginalized communities. HB 3201 A would align Oregon statute with federal rules, guidance and best practices related to federal broadband funds.

What’s next: The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Tuesday, May 9.

Closed captioning

Senate Bill 569 A

What it does: Oregon grants all persons the right to full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any place of public accommodation, without any distinction, discrimination or restriction on account of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status or age, if the individual is of age. SB 569 A would require that every qualifying place of public accommodation with a closed-captioning capable television receiver in a public area, including schools, activate closed captioning on at least 50 percent of the receivers. The bill would also require staff to be trained regarding closed captioning requirements.

What’s next: The House Early Childhood and Human Services Committee has scheduled a work session Monday, May 8.

Unemployment insurance

Senate Bill 489

What it does: Unemployment insurance benefits are not available to people who work for educational institutions during school breaks, including summer break. SB 489 would extend those benefits to all educational workers who are not performing instructional, research or principal administrative work during school breaks and summer months in certain employment groups. Certain requirements that currently apply to standard unemployment processes, including around offers to accept summer employment, would still apply.

What’s next: The House Education Committee has scheduled a work session Wednesday, May 10.

Legislative notes:

HB 2275 (Feb. 13 Legislative Briefs) would provide a one-time appropriation of an additional $250,000 to the Oregon Department of Education for qualifying school districts with a remote small high school for use in their existing career and technical education programs. The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Thursday, May 11.

HB 2280 (April 24 Legislative Briefs) would align the statutory definition of sexual harassment with the definition used in the state’s health education standards by adding a definition for “without consent.” The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Tuesday, May 9.

HB 2281 A (April 24 Legislative Briefs) would further require civil rights coordinators to be responsible for enforcing state nondiscrimination laws and coordinating investigations. The bill would also impose sanctions, established by the State Board of Education, on noncompliant public elementary or secondary schools. The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Thursday, May 11.

HB 2609 (Feb. 21 and April 17 Legislative Briefs) would permanently exempt school districts and education service districts from Teacher Standards and Practices Commission fees for educator preparation provider programs. The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Thursday, May 11.

HB 2753 A (Feb. 6 Legislative Briefs) -1 amendments would allow school district boards to choose between providing its board members with a monthly stipend not to exceed $500, as adjusted based on changes in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers – West Region, or to provide reimbursements for expenses. The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Tuesday, May 9.

HB 2905 (April 24 Legislative Briefs) would require academic content standards for history, geography, economics and civics to include instruction on individuals who are of Jewish descent and would require schools to adopt textbooks and instructional materials that adequately address the contributions of men and women of Jewish descent. The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Tuesday, May 9.

HB 3178 A (Feb. 21 and April 24 Legislative Briefs) -1 amendments would increase the scholarships that can be awarded by the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to diverse teacher candidates. The Senate Education Committee has scheduled a work session Thursday, May 11.

SB 473 (April 3 Legislative Briefs) would require school districts to adopt prevention curriculum that addresses child sex trafficking. The House Education Committee has scheduled a public hearing with a possible work session Wednesday, May 10.