The answer is slightly different for K-12, ESD and community college boards.
K-12 boardsSpecial meetings, including executive sessions, may be convened at least 24 hours before such a meeting is to be held:
• By order of the chair.
• Upon request by three board members.
• By common agreement of the board members. (ORS 332.045)
ESD boards• Special meetings, including executive sessions, may be convened by common consent of the board members at least 24 hours before such a meeting is to be held. (ORS 334.100)
Community college boardsSpecial meetings, including executive session, may be convened at least 24 hours before such a meeting is to be held:
• By order of the chair.
• Upon request by four board members.
• By common agreement of the board members. (ORS 341.283)
The key here is that the chair is still a ‘servant leader,’ which means that although the chair can call the meeting for a K-12 or CC board, he or she cannot force the other board members to attend or to discuss any particular item. A quorum (a majority of the board members) still must show up in order to hold a meeting. If a quorum is present, it can also approve a motion to immediately adjourn with no action or to change the agenda to remove the executive session or change or remove any item the group does not wish to discuss.